Thursday, September 27, 2007


Last night I learned a friend is pregnant. It's not her first, or her third, but still there is excitement. A baby, oh wouldn't it be nice to have another? We toyed with that idea, a million gray hairs ago, and decided no. Our clutch is fine with us. But still, while enjoying everything about every stage of their childhoods, it's the baby stage that sticks with me.

It's funny really. The first, I couldn't wait for the smiling, talking, crawling, walking. The last, I hold on to her lingering toddlerism, but-cept, for it is gold. I still cozy them, despite some legs being as long as mine. Blanketing them with kisses and full squozy, (the squeezing cozy) hugs. Attempting to keep them small. Knowing that childhood is but a smear. For soon it will be college, and then I doubt they will let me crawl into their beds and hug them for all of time. Or maybe, if I'm lucky, they'll indulge a very old woman. I can only hope.

P.S. What I wouldn't give for a tripod. Christmas list so far, Leg Lamp, tripod... and it's not even Halloween.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Tripods are good. Don't cheap out on a tripod... get the best one you can afford. I *heart* Manfrotto.