Today is the parish yard sale. The St. George hall is jammed floor to rafters with stuff, treasures, must haves. All priced to sell and awaiting new ownership. Doors open at 8 AM. Two dollar bags go on sale early afternoon till close at 3 PM.
I'm not working the sale. I'm on the docket for the clean out. Starting at 2:30 all that is left is put out side with a free sign. "Bring your muscles," was our fearless leaders last request to me as I left yesterday's late night pricing session.
This past Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the troops have been at the parish hall taking donations. It's fun. It's exciting. It's a treasure hunt of sorts. For each night as I leave the house I vow not bring anything home. I nod in agreement with my husband that the house is full, and we need for nothing. And still every night... a few of other people's cast offs trickle home.
This year, for the little ones, two Disney purses, along with two Disney watches were hot buys. Both watches not working until new batteries were inserted. Two little rubber turkeys, a la Thanksgiving style jumped into my box. They called to me. "Take me to your aunt and uncle." For the past umteen years I have somehow somewhere found a turkey something or other offering for these special relatives. Usually a pretty tureen or bowl; this year a pair of rubber beauties. Won't they be surprised.
The husband is not overlooked either. Last year's birthday present of a Civil War board game, for a quarter, was a great find. This year, some juggling balls, two CDs (Andy Williams Christmas), and two Disney mugs were the tribute offering for putting up with my repeated evenings out.
The teen is tougher to scout for. She doesn't need or want nicknacks and do dads. So far her take this year is three canisters of 35 mm film. She has a photo class, so we will donate the film to the cause. And there is the snow board that I have been eying. A few years ago I did find a very nice little black dress that is a stunner.
For me, the finds are usually something we truly don't need; antique glass items. Ever since I was small I have loved glass... probably why I enjoy stained glass now. This year's big find is pictured above. It probably isn't a complete set, but I loved it just the same.
I know I have mentioned on this blog, probably a year ago, that my grandparents used to work their parish yard sale every year. My grandfather would take on the job of polishing all the silver that came in. Nana would handle the clothes and nicknacks. And when we visited post sale their expansive living room would be crowded to standing room only with yard sale finds. Treasures carefully packed in boxes marked with our names. I remember the excitement of diving into my box. Wondering what greatness did Nana and Grandpa find for me this year? Lucky us.
Now I wonder if they left each day for the presale set up vowing not to bring another thing home. Acknowledging that their house and our houses were full. Only to return each night, smiling over their conquests, and dying to share the bounty, rubber turkeys and all.
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