Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Puzzle

I had the little one home sick yesterday. She was the loudest hacker at her table and voted out of the classroom for a day. Actually, that's not true. On Monday I was dropping off snacks for the class when over a coughing chorus her teacher told me she was visiting the nurse. Just a virus, but she looked bad. So Tuesday, I opted to keep her home. Gave her a day of rest, mixed with vision therapy and math problems. But all life came to a halt when we brought out the new to us, Santa with trains puzzle; a 1000 piecer; a yard sale find. At 3 o'clock I ran to meet the rest of the elementary school crowd get off the bus. Barely fixed dinner due to piecing together the windows. Then we were latish for play practice over Santa's pants. This morning, breakfast was a wave towards the cereal as I worked the tiny locomotive.

I was thinking about getting the Christmas cards written today. I might be able to do it, if I stay away from the puzzle: a black hole for time.

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