Monday, June 13, 2011

Stress Relief

Some days, some weeks, some months the to do list is daunting. Daunting to the point where knowing what to do next is elusive. The key to stress relief is to move forward. Do one thing that will move you closer to goal. It could be making a phone call. Making a list; starting a list, or getting the paper and maybe the pen set aside to make a list. One very small step, in the right direction.

Keep moving.


MamaDee said...

you are always so together, nice to see the todo lists overwhelm you sometimes too :) ... I have no doubt you will triumph in the end as you always do! My list is crazy this week too. Call if you need to vent! <3 ~dani

Patty Hebert said...

Thanks Dani -- I took a step or two today and life took off on its own.

Tammy H. said...

Nice to know that I am not the only one feeling like I am pulled in so many directions on some days that I don't even know what day it is.