Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Small Kindnesses with a Great Love

The focus of Confirmation I is not to know about Jesus, but to know Jesus. For how can the youth make the decision to be a follower of, a faith, a God, of any belief system, without actually knowing who/what they are signing up for. Mother Theresa told us to "recognize Jesus in the disguise and distress of the poor." She also said, "If you can't do great things (in this world) then do small things with a great love."

As a class we are taking baby steps. We are doing small things with a great love, in hopes of catching a real glimpse of the Risen Lord.


jeff noel said...


Natalie said...

Patty, thank you so much for all you and your family and the youngsters at your church do to show the love of Jesus. Your small acts of kindness are HUGE in the eyes of God.

Anonymous said...

Some of the best things in life are small things...done with great love.