Friday, May 31, 2013

An Unbalanced Life

A new opportunity has caused my life to be unbalanced. Now I work 5 to 6 hours each day and exercise and stained glass 0. The first week I barely noted the shift. Blaming it on the cold weather. This week I'm on the verge of panic. Realizing I must make time.

Life balance is like a canoe. Stable and steady in calm waters. But easy tipped when weather and waves erupt.

I mowed the backyard yesterday. Combining work with exercise. One foot back on the correct path. Must make time everyday.


jeff noel said...

Patty, the fact you see this so clearly, understand what's at stake, and are determined to figure it out is remarkably comforting - you know what you need to do and will find creative (new) ways to succeed.

PS. Congrats on your new opportunity.

Patty Hebert said...

Thanks Jeff. It is a great opportunity in work and leadership. Someday we should talk.

Anonymous said...

The Libra in me knows balance is's just hard to hear that voice sometimes when it is drowned out by everything else life throws at you. You are on the right path and your lawn probably looks good too!