Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I'm always amazed by how God works His way into life.

This has been our first year belonging to a CSA, community supported agriculture, farm. We have worked in the fields and reaped its rewards physically, emotionally and spiritually. We have truly eaten our share. And as the year closes I wanted to show our appreciation to the farmers who have tirelessly worked the season.

And as I contemplated a gift for each of them, I knew it would have to be balanced against my daughter's college expenses. For I couldn't pay what I didn't have. So after weeks of thought, yesterday a value was settled upon, and the thank you cards written. Today, we pick up our last share of the year and we will say thank you.

But the story gets better. Last night when I was picking up my youngest from religious education I was handed a check. "What's this?"

"It's your refund for the mission trip to Oklahoma. Your part of the fundraising."

And the amount not only covers the gifts, but there is a little but extra.

As Saint Pius X said, "I give away one million dollars in the morning and two million walks through the door in the afternoon."

Be Amazed.


jeff noel said...

Congrats on the transformation that you give and the transformation you receive.

Anonymous said...

Patty, love this post. Donna