Monday, January 29, 2007

I tried!

Sunday I fulfilled my first request to photograph an event. (A friend is turning 50. Mind you, she looks 30, so I'm thinking 50 won't be so bad.) Anyway, to get ready I showered and shaved the night before... clothes laid out. I'd get up, go to church, come home and cook dinner for my family, that I was abandoning for the afternoon, and then head off.

All was going according to plan until I woke up Sunday morning. As a rule, I never shower in the evening. For the next morning I have such an extreme case of bed head that I look like my head has been put in a vice, and my hair caught in a twister. Now, this is what I looked like when I woke up very late for Mass. So off I flew -- with my winter hat on. The hat, that is affectionately called a tea cozy. The hat didn't help. The fifteen minutes under it's pressing influence created helmet hair.

So, I was Madame Helmet all day. At the party several people said, "Oh, we have to get your picture too!"

"No," I quickly replied, "there is a reason why I'm always on the other side of the camera." I was laughing. But on the inside I was dying. I hate my hair.

Today, after the morning shower, I put on a little make up. Partly due to yesterday's fiasco and partly because I was going out to lunch to celebrate a friend's birthday. Make up isn't something I wear, once a month nevermind everyday. But, today was to be a special face/hair saving day.

Before lunch I had a gig at the elementary school to record one of the kindergarten classes with my US-122/laptop combo. Finally, a day I would be presentable with nicer mommy clothes and facial aides.

The temperature being above 20, we walked to school. As we entered the school one of the wonderful teachers commented, "Is it cold outside?"

I replied, "Not bad."

"Oh, your face is so red. It looks like you've been to the beach."

This is the last time I'll attempt anything more than mommy drab.


Idiot Cook said...

I was sitting in church on Saturday and spied your middle one, who smiled and waved at me, and I thought "what a pretty kid...just like her mom."

So there!

We're always our worst critics. Don't beat yourself up so much PtCakes. You're beautiful inside and out! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've got the start of a home-based business that's flexible enough to coexist with kids.

I agree with FC, you're beautiful inside and out!

DawnApril said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (In case you don't know, that was the really loud cackle you always squeeze out of me.)