Thursday, March 29, 2007

Daisy's Doings

I know you've noticed, and I certainly had, that Miss PT hasn't been bloggin' as she should. What's that woman been up to? Oh I know she said she was planning on workin' on her book. But was that a ploy? Curiousity got the better of this well breed southern hound, so I paid her a friendly visit.
Did you know that woman has a huge backyard. Great for dogs and children to run about. I had to give it a try. To stretch my delicate legs, and flap the old ears.
And what was that woman doin? She was boilin' sap and indeed she had her book laid open to page 155 on the kitchen table. I asked, "Makin' headway?"
"A little."
"And the sugarin' ?"
"It's the last boil of the season."
"Kinda sad?"
"Yeah. I'll miss it."
"What will you do?"
"Wait for next season, eat a lot of pancakes and I guess I'll finish my book."
"Good plan. And if you get bored, that backyard is great for a good run."


Idiot Cook said...

I wish we could all be as happy as Daisy looks in that picture. Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Daisy looks like she's really moving in this photo!