Saturday, August 25, 2007

I can't

"I can"t do it."

Every time one of my young ones is faced with a challenge, whether small or large, the first words out of her mouth is, "I can't do it." It's not a simple statement of fact, but a whining that cuts me to the core. I'm so tired of hearing it. That defeatist attitude, even before any trying occurs. What's with this?

I used to ignore it, but the whining escalates into a tantrum, then a meltdown. Yesterday, I handled it by saying, "Then stop trying. Put it away and forget it." This is my attempt at not being negative, and to let her focus on the positive. Find out what she likes to do, what she can do. And let her take it from there.

But I ask, if a caterpillar doubts it can fly, will it ever become a butterfly?

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