Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

About a month ago I heard a story of an substitute teacher who was appalled by the lack of respect her homeroom high school students showed the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. While she stood, facing the flag, with her right hand over her heart, the student body ignored the pledge, continuing their conversations, not even standing or minimally acknowledging their was even a flag in the room.

During a pause between phrases, she interrupted by saying, "Students, the Pledge..." insinuating that they should at least be silent and facing the flag of our nation. A lone irritated response came back, "This country sucks." Others offered their approval of the disdain by giving the comment a "Yeah!" for a tail.

Today of all days, the shock of their blatant disrespect catches in my throat. My thoughts are of all the men and women, who fought, and continue to fight this day, for our everyday freedoms. So use to living an entitled life, where we say what we want, worship who we want, study what we want, chose a job in a field that we want, live where we want, freely elect political representation of who we want, come and go when and where we want, that many are forgetting who bought us these freedoms: Our Nation's Veterans.

Men and women who put their very lives in harms way so that all Americans, even disrespectful high school students, can voice their opinions without fear of imprisonment or death.

Everyday I am fortunate to be reminded of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for my freedoms, and my country. Today, I will take the opportunity to pause and reflect. Really, it's the least I can do.

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