At times in my life I have traversed what I can only call a religious desert. It's not that God wasn't present in my life, but I have struggled with being Catholic, or maybe it's really a struggle with the importance of attending our church. Not feeling as if I am ministered to, I have had to put on the parental face as we head out the door to Mass. While inside, seriously wondering if a change was required in our family's spiritual path.
Though really how could I contemplate not being Catholic? I've been Catholic as long as I've been Italian; since before birth.
It was my dear friend and her questions that showed me my answer. And I wonder if this was how Peter felt when Jesus asked him three times if he loved Him. For it's not uncommon, as I have been writing, for my friend to ask me several times in the course of a morning, "Are you Catholic?"
To which I reply, "Yes, I am." But by answering that question, with a smile, interest and love, several times in the course of one conversation, I was handed a gift.
Yes I am Catholic and my mission is to serve those around me. As Mother Theresa instructed, "To recognize Christ in the distress of the poor." How blessed am I, my friend caught a glimpse of Him in me. For now I may see Him in others.