At times in my life I have traversed what I can only call a religious desert. It's not that God wasn't present in my life, but I have struggled with being Catholic, or maybe it's really a struggle with the importance of attending our church. Not feeling as if I am ministered to, I have had to put on the parental face as we head out the door to Mass. While inside, seriously wondering if a change was required in our family's spiritual path.
Though really how could I contemplate not being Catholic? I've been Catholic as long as I've been Italian; since before birth.
It was my dear friend and her questions that showed me my answer. And I wonder if this was how Peter felt when Jesus asked him three times if he loved Him. For it's not uncommon, as I have been writing, for my friend to ask me several times in the course of a morning, "Are you Catholic?"
To which I reply, "Yes, I am." But by answering that question, with a smile, interest and love, several times in the course of one conversation, I was handed a gift.
Yes I am Catholic and my mission is to serve those around me. As Mother Theresa instructed, "To recognize Christ in the distress of the poor." How blessed am I, my friend caught a glimpse of Him in me. For now I may see Him in others.
Quietly inspiring. Love the transparency. If more people accepted the changes in the weather so to speak, our Faith would grow by leaps and bounds. God is always there. Always.
Interesting perspective. I know that parental face, I've had to put it on a few times myself....more in NJ than here. Dealing with the people behind the church there wasn't always easy --seems religion was more big business back there.
Yes it is the business side that can get in the way of faith. Though lately I remember everyone is trying to do their best with the gifts God gave them.
welcome to humanity.
Yes, welcome humanity. Recognize that we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Making life very interesting.
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