Monday, July 27, 2015

I had to laugh.

Out for a ride at 4:45 this morning. Four forty-five to six fifteen in the morning is the only block of time open in my day available for exercise.

Really get fit today and enjoy the benefits forever? As I'm so apt to mimic, "I don't think so Tim." It's exercise throughout your life to enjoy the benefits forever. It's not a one time gig. It's a full life commitment.

Friend, jeff noel, said a few days ago via social media, "Don't tell me, I make it look easy." Or that fitness comes easy to him.

Being fit takes work, desire, vision and commitment. There are no easy get it over now, coast till the end short cuts. It's work plain and simple. Some days are joyous. Many a slog.


jeff noel said...

Patty, you nailed it. The ebb and flow of joy and monotony. And of commitment and temptation.

Patty Hebert said...
