Monday, August 03, 2015

I quit my job.

I know shocking. I'm not a quitter. But it was time. And for the past three days, despite knowing this, I've been in a deep sadness.

This morning, facing a bike ride with my dearest friend, a ride that would not take place if I were still employed, I realized it is best to concentrate on what I have. Rather than what I no longer have.

The haves outweigh the have nots.
Moving on. Trying to. It's all on the perspective. Like the picture of the ciscada. Eyes. Front.


jeff noel said...

Congratulations on being decisive. Right, wrong, or indifferent, making decisions defines us.

Courage and risk-taking define us as well.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful being together yesterday. Focus on today for that is the gift that God has given us.
There will be many opportunities offered to you as your heart is open, your spirit and faith are strong, and you are extremely capable and talented. Our love always.