Wednesday, May 03, 2006

No writing, and it's your fault

Well, if your not a Niblet, your off the hook.

This is genre switching week, and there is a lot to review before Thursday's gala. Our meetings are always galas. We had to start the meetings 30 minutes earlier in order to have time to catch up. It amazes me how this little group has woven its literary fingers into my life. I can't imagine a day without checking the blogs, bantering in emailing, and escaping through their written words.

These genre switching pieces are a hoot. Every one creative, and enjoyable to read. What was amazing is I could hear the author's voice through their different genre.

I'm usually Young Adult, (Probably due to the fact I will never grow up.) and I picked poetry out of the hat. After three weeks of trying to put a few lines on paper, I bow down to our resident Poet, Red Soul Girl. Poetry is a tough genre. But I enjoyed it. And when I am suppose to be rewriting my little project, Forever Yours, I find myself thinking of poetic verses. I call it creative procrastination.

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