Friday, October 26, 2007

Another busy day

leading up to another busy weekend. I have a dream of waking up in a cleaned house, with the trees planted and the gourds harvested and set out to dry. The kitchen floor is gleaming. Dinner is well planned, ready and the dishes are washed. Some days I have so much to do, that I get nothing done. Yesterday I waited for two appointments to happen... and nothing. Both canceled. One supposedly called, but must've dialed the wrong number, since no call came here. And the other, emailed regrets. Now what? And as I wait for Mr. Editor... I'm setting out to start another article today.

I realize I waste a lot of time waiting. I need a real to do list printed out so I can be constantly reminded to get up, and do something, besides waiting. In my defense, I can almost see to the surface of the dining room table. So in the spirit of the upcoming holiday: I'll make a list, check it twice... and maybe squeeze in some dusting.


Anonymous said...

This morning, I thought about how fast the holidays are approaching and the daunting tasks of everything we have to do. The time we have to rush around to get together as family. Only to see that close knit group scatter and leave a few hours later or the next day to continue on with our own microcosm, that we call our lives.

When will our commet pass each other again? For some it is once a year, others it is every once in a while. But I know this, for when we meet we do have a joyous time where the warm of the love that no sun can rival.

Thank God I have those few hours with my family...


P.H. said...


kris said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one singing this song.

kris said...

The song of lists that is... I know nothing of Turducken... or would that be Turducki?

Anonymous said...

If I could accomplish just half of what you do, I would consider myself very accomplished!