Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Part 17 -- Don't for one moment think this is easy

Charlotte and Sam found Sarah holding an hysterical Lovie standing outside of Jenny's room. Both parents rushed their children and ignoring the size of the high schooler, swept them both up into their arms. "What happened?" cried Charlotte.

"Jenny turned blue," sobbed Lovie, "so we called the nurse, and she kicked us out."

Holding back her own tears, Sarah added, "There are about 100 doctors in there."

"Is Dr. Reid with Jenny?"

"Yes," answered Sarah. "Besides the nurse, he was the first one here."

"Yeah, he came out of thin air." added Lovie.

Charlotte doubted it was thin air. But he must've suspected there might be trouble and was lingering about. But why would her daughter be fine and drinking a shake one minute to be coded the next? "I'm going in there."

Nothing could've prepared her for what she saw when she swung open the door. Her baby was lying here with ten people around her. All doing something to try and save her life. The call, "CLEAR" went up and everyone but Dr. Reid took a step back from the table. Once again she watched as her daughter's tiny body flew up into the air chest first.

"Nothing, Doctor," stated the nurse seated by Jenny's head.

And again, "CLEAR." This time the shock once again restarted her heart, and the monitor started its rhythmic beeping. Charlotte gave a sigh of relief. Once again, God was on their side.

After Dr. Reid replaced the paddles in their case, Charlotte noticed him leaning up against the bedside table. And as he turned to face her, she noted the deep worry lines that creased his face. He was having difficultly looking her in the eye.

"Dr. Reid, what is it? What's happening?

"Charlotte we have to operate immediately. The damage to the spinal cord is impacting her autonomic nervous system. The part of the nervous system that keeps her heart going."

Charlotte's knees weakened and she fell to the floor.

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