Friday, April 11, 2008

Is it me?

Or is it cell phones?

I've had a cell phone since before most of these cell phone toting execs were learning their ABCs. I carry mine with me, seven days a week, and know where it is, or where I've left it, 24 hours a day. Like right now, I left it in my husband's car when I was on the last child round up. I'm not cell phone phobic. My problem is conducting business over a mobile connection that is sketchy at best. It's hard to focus on project details when the person's voice fades into a babble of clicks and clacks. And it makes me wonder if we are going to do business long distance, is this the best connection I'm going to get?

Are we a country that is going mobile crazy? Is this the latest version of the Emperors New Clothes? If so, let me be the little girl who stands in the street and points.

"No signal!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daring, it is you