Wednesday, December 08, 2010

How Goes The Revolution?

It's been asked, "How did the Revolution go?" And I hesitate. For how it went can be answered in one of two ways. One way, I can answer: It went great. There were no major mix ups, and no students were lost or misplaced. There was way too much food. No one should have gone hungry. The event timing was monitored, and with relatively little bother the day transitioned smoothly. All good.

But for me to answer the question, "How did the Revolution go?" in a deeper way, one would have to look to the youth. Did they get it? Is there a change? And to answer these questions, I would have to say, "I don't know." For it is up to the youth. The Revolution was for, and was all about them.

They did laugh in all the corrected places. Listened, and listened harder when called upon to really pay attention. Sang and sang louder when encouraged. And they gathered a boat load of scarves for the cold and food for the hungry. The Revolution is truly only a seed and with time, maybe it will germinate and maybe it will grow. It will take time, more than a day -- just like any other good heart felt and hard fought Revolution.


jeff noel said...

Patty, keep doing work that matters, even when there is temptation to doubt that it does. It does.

P.H. said...

Jeff, thanks for the reminder.