Saturday, May 21, 2011

Death Comes To Us All

We are a Disney family, but it's not all about the Mouse. A lot of it is about the man. And lately we have been watching documentaries on Walt Disney. The latest was Walt: The Man Behind the Myth. And what took me by surprise is seeing the images of Walt during the summer of 1966. Smiling, happy, seemingly healthy, but months from his death in December. He didn't know. No one knew until he went to have a routine xray, in the Fall. Then he had lung cancer.

I mentioned this to my husband, "In less than 4 months and Walt was dead." He reminded me it was the similar scenario for his father, actually faster. From healthy to death in the blink of an eye.

Live each day as if it's your last.


jeff noel said...

I'm tryin'. Lord knows I'm trying.
Great post.

Patty Hebert said...

Lord knows you make a difference.

jeff noel said...

Thank you Patty. That was unexpected. I do believe that God sees me trying really, really hard, and shows an extra measure of Grace my way.

You too, have a broad and deep impact on your community's youth.

Unknown said...

Good advice, sometimes we forget that.