Friday, May 20, 2011

Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged

Arnold fathers a child out of wedlock. A Texas mom is suspected of killing her own son and then leaving his body along a Maine road side. Both topics of the workplace water cooler crowd; both leave us with our heads shaking. Why?

We see the rich and famous splashed across super market magazine stands. Beautiful, rich, smiling, rich, not a care in the world, rich, happy or at least that is what we are all led to believe until a scandal happens. Then shock. How could it be? They have it all, the big job, the bigger house, the even bigger lifestyle and bank roll? The answer: I don't have the answer. I don't think they have the answer. But I think we would all agree that money does not buy happiness or peace.

And for that mom and her son, my heart bleeds. That poor soul to be allegedly pushed to the brink. There are no words, certainly no judgment, only prayers for her and her son.

Things happen. Famous things caught in the media cross hairs, and not so famous things happening down the street. Offer prayers, not judgment. For one day, sadly, the shoe might be on the other foot.

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