Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not Necessarily What Your Parents Did

I haven't been blogging much, but I've been reading my favorite book. After all it only takes a few minutes each day. Yesterday's read was quite thought provoking. Basically it said, just because your parents did it, doesn't make it the correct way. Lately, I've been think along these lines for punishments.

I love my parents and I know they love me. Still growing up the wooden spoon was always within arms reach. As a child I hated to be given the swat. But it worked. Do I punch my brother and risk the spoon or not? Good question. Usually not.

Now, as a parent I try talking with my children. But I have to tell you, after saying, Don't hit your sister, for the hundredth time I wonder if the spoon is a better way to go. I'm tempted. So far, I have resorted to saying, "Grandpa would have the spoon out by now. Is that what it's going to take? Is this what you are teaching me? That Grandpa was right all along."

Usually, the shock and horror of just saying the spoon brings the fighting to a close.

Maybe we should mention the spoon over in Iraq. Might work.


Idiot Cook said...

Hehehe. I like this post, PtCakes, especially the twist at the end. You might be onto something.

CMC said...

My mother used the paddle from the paddle ball game.. on my siblings, of course!