Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

 Taken from The Eucharistic Prayer For Masses of Reconciliation

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,
we praise and thank you through Jesus Christ our Lord
for your presence and action in the world.

In the midst of conflict and division,
we know it is you
who turns our minds to thoughts of peace.
Your Spirit changes our hearts;
enemies begin to speak to one another,
those who were estranged join hands in friendship,
and nations seek the way of peace together.

Your Spirit is at work
when understanding puts an end to strife,
when hatred is quenched by mercy,
and vengeance gives way to forgiveness.

For this we should never cease
to thank and praise you.


(And) In that new world where the fullness of your peace will be revealed,
gather people of every age, race, creed, language, and way of life
to share in the one eternal banquet

with Jesus Christ the Lord.

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