Monday, June 02, 2008


The first time I can remember hearing the word network, it was in high school describing the cells of the central nervous system. These specialized cells form an interlocking mesh and support our sense of physical feelings: touch, pain. (It's early. I haven't had my coffee, so the list is short.) Next time the term was used for a different matter was when I worked in a software company as help desk support. All those wires and cables that networked the computers to each other and then to the outside world really gave me an appreciation for the many miles of neurons that run through our bodies. Now the term net, network, or networking, is used in just about every field for every situation that involves contacting another human being. There are network business groups, networks of past work acquaintances, networks from college, cancer survivors, mothers of twins. You name it, and there is a support network.

And I'd have to say, hopefully and thankfully, we all have a network of friends. For one should never under estimate the power of a personal net.

Last week, I found myself is a tough situation. Without typing the whole gory story, I stepped in and tried to offer guidance to an out of control situation that was upsetting for all involved. The outcome, the next day, I received a severe hand slapping. Still during that phone call I let that person say their piece, and explain their point of view. But since then I've been networking.

If you know me, and we've had even the briefest contact, you've heard the story. Was I complaining? No, searching, and trying to figure out what I should have done. My network has shown me both sides, the rights and the wrongs, the not so blacks and not so whites. I don't know it all, but when I reached out for advice and insight, I learned that I'm not the only one that this has ever happened to. And given the leadership role I've taken on, this will happen again, and again. "Be Prepared."

I composed a letter, and sent off my thoughts on how we can all move forward. No response yet, but maybe there doesn't have to be one. For me, I can breathe again, and my every thought is not focused on that one horrible exchange, thanks to my net.

One sadness did come to me during this whole ordeal. I don't think "the otherside" has much of a network. And that leaves me quite sad. Maybe they would like to join mine.

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