Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Look Mom -- No Brakes

That saying: Look Mom! No hands! is quite timely these days, for three reasons.

1. The little one has finally learned how to ride a bike. We are finally able to take bike trips. This pleases me to no end, for I have been waiting for the day when we could take all our bikes to the Minute Man Trail of down the Cape.

2. The middle one has learned how to ride with no hands and she is attempting bike tricks that she sees her cousin doing... Of course, my heart skips a beat with every trick she tries. So far I have held my tongue. After all I used to be a trickster in my younger life.

3. While out shopping yesterday the brakes on the Rig were iffy. I was in a store parking lot when I realized what was happening. Nervous, I called our wonderful mechanic, and told him I was making my way to his shop, and would he be able to give me, the girls and our groceries a ride home.

It's the ABS... something about sensors. Very expensive, but I am so thankful it happened yesterday instead of when we were pulling the trailer, or racing to gather the children afterschool. Of course, the little one is excited. She has a dentist appointment today and will be singing along in style on the back of my motorcycle.

School starts today for the 6th and 9th graders. Then the rest join in tomorrow.

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