Saturday, December 31, 2011


December 31, 2011 the day we promise ourselves for the next 366 days we are going to be healthier, thinner, happier, nicer, smarter, richer, prettier, drug free, or even holier.

I stopped making New Years resolutions a decade or more ago. I realized way back whenever that I can't keep a promise to myself for a whole year. And the fall from grace for failing is so far with such huge intentions. It's devastating.

Instead I make resolutions daily. Today I will strive to be healthier. Today I will be nicer, pray more, take that walk, hold my tongue, help a stranger, be there for that difficult family member. Today. For the next 24 hours I will forgive and never remember. Today I will be nicer, and more forgiving to me.

How do I do? What's my track record? Some days are better than others. Some days sometimes are strung into a week, maybe a month or more. Then again some days are a struggle, where each hour or even each moment painfully passes. But no worries, for with the early dawning of the new day I start over, with hope on the horizon. Crossing those familiar bridges when I come to them.

Happy New Year! Grace and blessings to you all.

1 comment:

Tammy H. said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! A great way to approach the daunting issue of "resolutions"