Saturday, January 11, 2014

Boston Brain Tumor Ride

I ride for you and with your spirit Memere.

May 18th is a special day this year. It's the Boston Brain Tumor Ride. It is also the day 23 of my students make the decision to become confirmed in their Catholic faith. Can you imagine two huge events, happening on the same day, hours apart. Really... But honestly why not and what better testament to commitment. I'm committed to my faith and to helping others. Cancer has touched us all; both negatively and positively... Strange how that works.

And how will we pull this off?
Ride hard and early in the morning.
Rejoice and celebrate at noon.

Won't you help me, help others.

1 comment:

jeff noel said...

God never said it would be easy, only that we would never have to walk alone.

Prayers for great success, and a day to remember well.