Saturday, February 20, 2016

I'm sad but glad.

We have been in Walt Disney World for the past week. In 4 hours we will be home, hopefully. As one can never really know what the traffic on 95 holds for anyone. We passed two horrid accidents yesterday when we set off from Orlando. But I digress.

This week I watched my two youngest girls grow and enjoy themselves and at times get frustrated. The joy of being with dear friends and even a boyfriend. Frustration borne out of learning patience. But she will get there. This was our last together trip for a while as college is ahead once again. The oldest is already out of our nest. Sadly for this momma who could not be more proud. Oh to keep them close but to let them fly free.

Disney is our happy place. Happy to share it with friends and family. To share the Disney love and joy. My girls embrace those qualities and hopefully they will carry them and rely on them as they grow.

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