Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ready or Not

Self portrait... I'm the one with the camera covering my eye. And I think I know why my pictures are sometimes crooked.
It's the official last day of school. I'm happy, sad, and nervous, all at the same time. Happy the schedule will relax, and the only homework they will have is the reading and math we give them to keep their brains from leaking out their ears. Sad that once again time has passed so quickly that I'm sure I've missed opportunities for praise and love. It's the daily details that splinter family into an endless to do list. A list, that at the end of days -- was for not.
And nervous that all too soon, I will be blogging that the little one is graduating high school, the oldest is married, and the middle one has conquered the stars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Where did the time go?" The Grateful Dead sings in my head as I look at the psychedelic imagery. How true, how true! Our sensible "to do" lists obscured by time's elusiveness!

Enjoy the moment.
