Friday, December 07, 2007

Part 68

It flurried as Santa pulled up on a hook and ladder for the town tree lighting. Lovie screamed, "Santa, Santa!" The old man smiled at her and waved. "Mom, he saw me, Mom, Santa!"

Charlotte loved the tree lighting. The girls went for the free Starbucks hot chocolate and cookies. But Charlotte went for the dose of Christmas cheer. Like a hypodermic of adrenaline, it boosted her heart rate and put a glow in her cheeks. And the townwide 5th grade band wasn't bad either. Sarah used to play. One more year and Jenny would be up their playing her flute.

She sat back and let the festivities carry her away.


It was Nancy, an old friend from high school. There was something unsettling about running into high school friends. She often thought about moving two miles away; just to be in a neighboring town.

"Nancy, how are you?"

"I'm fine, dear -- what about you? I saw Jodie, who was talking to Joey, remember him, Carol's husband and he said that... "

Charlotte hated to be called dear. Why did someone her own age do this? "Yes, I'm pregnant."

Nancy's face fell. "At your age?"

"Oh, we're not that old, Nancy."

"My oldest, George, is in college."

It was now Charlotte's turn to drop her lower jaw. "College?"

"A junior, at Yale, studying pre med and pre law."

Talk about being an over achiever. Charlotte started to get up, with the idea to locate Lovie who had wandered up towards the stage, and the underlying plan to get away from the aged. "Can I help you dear?"

"Nancy," she sighed. "I'm all set, really."

"Are you sure? You look peaked."

Mad was more like it. "No, I'm fine. Oh there's Lovie, I must go." With that she slipped into the crowd.


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