Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Part 70

The bottle emptied, rinsed and recycled, it wasn't until Charlotte walked into their bedroom that she remembered the two dogs. Kaylie and Gussie were curdled up on her side of the bed. Seemingly unshaken by their comfort, Sam had slid in next to them and was sound asleep.

"Come on girl," urged Charlotte whispering. "Come on Gussie, I need space too."

Both dogs opened their eyes and yawned. Neither showed any intention of moving.

"Kaylie, off -- Gussie, off."

Kaylie stretched a paw over the side of the bed as she tucked her nose under the upturned sheet.

Instead of arguing with the dogs, Charlotte opted to brush her teeth and get ready for bed first. While rinsing she thought of a way to entice the dogs out of her space. On her way back to her bedroom she made a stop in the kitchen and grabbed two biscuits. As soon as she walked back into the room, their noses must have smelled the mini t-bones, as their heads were up, their eyes open, their noses smelling in all directions. "Over here guys," she announced placing the treats right out side the door.

Both dogs leapt off the bed, sending a two foot shock wave through the mattress. The results bounced Sam's head twice without waking him. Until he rolled over Charlotte wondered if he were dead or drunk, even though he said he hadn't been drinking.

To the resounding sounds of crunching she climbed under the covers. And was just about asleep when 8 tiny feet attached to two rather large dogs tiptoed up on the bed, curling themselves around the human masses.


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