Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Lessons Learned

Twice a month, our parish makes lunches for the homeless.
Bologna and mustard sandwich on wheat bread
snack package of a salty snack
bit of candy
juice box
in a brown paper bag -- 60 of them.

During the school year the high schoolers handle the job. It is part of their religious education. In the summer, the call is put out to the youth families. For two summers now, I've taken the two little ones to lend a hand. They are expert sandwich makers, and bag stuffers. They use their math skills to count to 60 -- 4 sets of 15. Fifteen lunches to a box.

Last night was different. I had a parish meeting right after lunch making.

"Do you still want to go? You'll have to be good."

Two resounding yeses came up over dinner.

We went. They packed. They were good.

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