Friday, July 17, 2009

One Plant to Rule Them All

I have to wonder why seed companies put more than one gigantic plant seed in a package. For this one plant has taken over our entire back garden and it is spreading out into the lawn. Why would you need to plant more than one of these babies? I wish I could find the seed packet to find out the spacing. Should the seeds be planted in mounds 12 inches or 12 feet apart. I would think one plant per backyard would be perfect spacing.

This plant has tendrils wrapped around the corn, peas, beets, and it is heading for the rhubarb.

It is the one plant to rule them all.


Tammy H. said...

Lucky you! Every time I plant one of those seeds, we NEVER get anything that resembles a gigantic anything.

my backyard said...

I want to see a photo!