Monday, July 13, 2009

Warning: Rant

Why do children behave the way they do?
How can they hide under the guise of homework when asked to weed, then find time to YouTube, Facebook, email?
How can they when making a dinner salad throw in vegetables that are pretty darn close to full size? And when asked to remake the dish, sigh and huff like a dragon.
Why do they run off and sulk when they can't be first down our waterslide when guests are over?
Why when we are in church do they think it is time for a rousing game of hide and seek?
Why are they rude and then even ruder when you call them on it?

I spend every waking breath attending to children. I even spend some midnights hours listening to their woes, and worries. I wouldn't dream about shutting down a request to talk, but maybe the next time I will. The silver platter is tarnished.


Laura said...

it's because they feel so secure in your love that they can be 100% themselves, with no smokescreen or veil. in a way, it's a compliment to your unconditional love.

I had moderate success with the "how do you think that made me feel?" tactic, developing slowly a marginal ability to see another's point of view. but I have to repeat, it was only moderate! maturity itself is the only thing that will fix it.

but hang in there. when that comes, it's heaven.

P.H. said...

What is worse is seeing the pain that the children experience when they are in these moods. I just can't imagine being that unhappy, where one finds happiness in lashing out at others.

Tammy H. said...

Patty, I think that to some degree it is a summer thing. We spend far more time with them in the summer. It's not just your children, trust me, when I say that. Today I spent the morning that I should have been working running with the two older boys to get final things for their canoeing trip. When I asked small requests of them, after spending a nice amount of money and my time, I got the huff, puff and rolling of the eyes. T minus 4 until my three are gone for a week -- don't mind the smile that comes across my face when I say that. Good luck

P.H. said...

Yes, I am with my children very close to 24/7. We had a family discussion after dinner this evening. Expectations were laid out. Apologies were accepted.

I do love my children, but I have to agree with you Tammy -- 5 days without would make my heart grown even fonder. Smile away.