Saturday, November 19, 2005

Is there writing after the book?

Actually the title is misleading. It's not after the book, it's between drafts. I've decided to put Sarah and her woes on the shelf until after the New Year. I figure the distance will do us all good. After the holidays I'll be able to edit without being so emotionally attached to every single word.

What will that do to my word count? As things stand now I've only penned 48,000 or so beauties. Two thousand short of that required for the impressive "Write a book in the month of November" gig. It took me 6 years to write "my baby", that's 8,000 a year, which translates into a vowel less than 22 words a day. Am I slow or what?

The fact remains that since finishing the draft I haven't really latched on to another writing project. I have two small irons in the fire, an essay and an old children's picture book, and of course this blog. None of which is ready for prime time. I will say I have started to carry around paper drafts of the two tangible pieces and have resorted to using a pencil to brain storm edits.

Hopefully at one of these sessions I will become enamored and start productively writing again. After all I'm only looking for 22 words a day.

(Blog word count 217)


Steppie said...

Good luck with your book.

I bet after 6 years, it's awesome.

Susan Weiner, CFA said...

Hang in there, PT -- I know you can do it!