An elephant with a flat top? No... It's a quilt square of our home state with a heart just about where we live. I've had this project on the to do list for a week or so. The directions were to create a square that represents you and yours. Or something like that. What to do? I thought about designing something around Maple Sugaring, but let's face it, sugaring is truly a Vermont sport. I'm a displaced Vermonter at heart. I thought and pondered and yesterday when I woke up I had this idea of the heart showing where family and friends are welcome.
This morning I woke up with thoughts of baking hermits to take along when we visit Nana today. She has a sweet tooth, so why not eat hermits right after breakfast. I also had the idea of sharing Spark People with my niece who has recently changed her dietary habits to vegetarian. Part of SP is to show you how much protein, carbs, cholesterol, fat, and a host of other dietary checkpoints are part of your daily intake. With being a veggie, she questioned whether she is getting enough protein. SP could help.
I wonder what I'll wake up thinking about tomorrow. It's quite frightening actually.
1 comment:
It came out very well! A great idea. Love, M
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