Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"It's in Giving that we Receive."

St. Francis of Assisi was really onto something when he said, "For it is in giving that we receive." For even when we have the specific intent of doing something for someone else, blessings reverberate back.

For example, the Boston Brain Tumor Ride. This year, I decided to increase our meager one household level of sponsorship by soliciting donations to fight brain tumors, for my own peddling efforts. Reaching 125% of my goal was pretty amazing, humbling, and empowering. Thank you.

But with St. Francis in mind, it all didn't end there. For I rediscovered a form of exercise that doesn't bother my Achilles tendon, that I can use to get to work (a built in pay raise when you think of the price of gas), and that I enjoy.

As mind staggering as a dragon fly maturing from a larvae to it's adult form. Blessings abound. What are yours?


jeff noel said...


Patty Hebert said...

Wow, what an outlook to view life as a blessing. That is a blessing in the truest and purest sense.