Now why was I on fb? Shouldn't I have been paying attention? Guilty as charged, I guess. But it was lunch and I was electronically checking in. Only to find out the speaker was electronically checking out. One foot out the door with 4 hours to go.
It was then I realized this day, these talks, his presentations, him, were just product; a wrinkled tshirt, a dented can of soda, a limp day old sandwich, half price -- available now at the corner store. For the rest of the day I listened but I wasn't there. Like the speaker, I had left the building hours before.
We all sell something. At home, my blue light specials announce wake up calls, breakfast, lunch, dinner, homework help, the taxi is leaving, the knitting tutorial starts in two seconds, the movie popcorn is ready and in bowls. At the parish, I sell faith formation to middle schoolers. At work I let my fingers do my talking. Entering data accurately; that's my product.
What's yours?
Maybe he was going through the motions.
Maybe he wanted to hurry home to hear his child's prognosis.
Since you're FB friends, the 2nd scenario seems likely.
The lesson for me was we are all selling a product. Every day, 24/7 -- we should hope to be great salesmen.
Ops, I meant to say UN-likely.
Two letters can really change the message. :)
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