Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Am I reaching them?

Taught both the Sunday and Monday night religious ed. classes this week. Working on showing them God's work in their completing small acts of kindness. They wrote letters to soldiers fighting overseas and sewed cat toys for kitties in a shelter. Basic skills: writing and sewing used to help man and beast. For some students a real stretch, but they try.

Still they ask why do I have to come here? My answer to gather the information required to make an informed decision about Confirmation. This sacrament is their choice.

Their answers: One student comes because their grandfather will buy them a car after receiving the sacrament. Others complain their parents are forcing them. Or that they will never be allowed in their grandparent's house again if they are not confirmed. Some, not all, seem bored no matter what we do. Most try at one point or another.

It truly is in God's hands. Something has to ignite that spark. Fan the flames.

1 comment:

jeff noel said...

Patty, God bless you for your continual efforts.

Perhaps if there was a wall around confirmation, and it was hard to get it, and there always sounded like something cool and splendid was happening on the other side.

If the people coming from the other side of the wall seemed so overjoyed that those not part of it would be lured like a siren's song.

And maybe if those pushing didn't threaten, bargain, manipulate, well, didn't.

I know, it's complicated.

In August, experience with a teenager will officially begin.

ANd that's assuming we are both blessed beyond measure to make it that far.