Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's Dec 31st. Does exercising put a smile on your face?

So how many people will take up exercising at midnight? Happily... Knowing it's a slog. It's painful. It's transformational. It's enjoyable. It takes work to effect change. Smile. Be the change you wish to see.

Happy New Year.


jeff noel said...

Your ripple effect is inspiring.

We know what's really important by watching what others do, not what they say.

People close to you are watching. You are embedding the notion (belief) that your body is a temple that houses everything that keeps us alive.

You do the same at Mass and Religious Ed, etc.

And HQ, and Mind, and work.

Patty Hebert said...

Thank you Jeff.
So do you.
Blessings to you and your family in the New Year.