Thursday, April 17, 2014


The rhubarb is growing.

Fifteen years ago I bought a rhubarb plant but it never thrived, despite all that did I for it. Sun. Water. Fertilizer. Composite. Eventually it died.

Last year a Vermont neighbor was weeding her garden. On a walk, we offered our hellos from the street. Her reply was if you really want to be neighborly you can help me weed. We stopped. We paused. We weeded.

As we all enjoyed being neighbors and getting to know each other better, compliments to the rhubarb patch were made. Healthy. Great stalk. Beautiful bounty. Next thing we know we are heading home with bags full of some mighty fine roots.

Here is hoping a mighty root stalk will put forth a beautiful harvest.

Rhubarb is so much like life itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! a true sign of Spring and just in time for Easter!