Thursday, June 04, 2009

It's a PBR Slugfest

A few weeks ago I noticed that something was eating our bean plants. I assumed slugs; since I saw a telltale track, but trying to be nice, with a live and let live philosophy, figured I'd let them have their fill and then they would move on. But what happened was something in line with those 70's shampoo commercials where they told two friends, who told two friends, who told two friends and so on, and so on, and so on.

Now our bean plants look like they were shot with shrapnel. So last night the big guns in the form of the cheapest six pack on the planet, Pabst Blue Ribbon, were brought out. I buried two beer-filled small yogurt containers lip deep and placed a maple sugaring bucket cover over the whole swimming pool set up so our little guests would have some privacy.

And this morning by all accounts there was quite a slugfest in the bean patch last night. Yahoo!

1 comment:

Tammy H. said...

Had a similar problem last year with japanese beetles and our beans and my basil. Because of all my allergy issues, we didn't want to put any insecticide down and I was also more than happy for a live and let live but it turned into the NYC of the garden. I moved my basil plants to a raised bed planter and was lucky. The beans, however, didn't fare as well.
Good luck!