Sunday, September 20, 2009


One petite woman, Mother Teresa said:

"The fruit of silence is prayer"--- Teach us to pray.
"the fruit of prayer is faith."--------Help us to believe.
"the fruit of faith is love."-----------Guide us to love.
"The fruit of love is service.'--------Strengthen us to serve.
"The fruit of service is peace."------Lead us to peace.

I heard this at church today. It was presented in the homily, and the line, "The fruit of service is peace," really resonated with me. I firmly believe that we are put here to help those around us. And doesn't it make sense that if you are in the business of helping others that it would be very difficult not to be at peace with them?

I'm reading the Freedom Writers Diary. In these diary entries the students share the horrors of their lives, their dreams and the fulfillment of their dreams. Through their writings they show the reader that nothing, not even tolerance, world peace and understanding, is impossible. And they work towards these goals one person, one family, one neighborhood at a time. It is a must read for anyone who might underestimate the power of one.

1 comment:

Tammy H. said...

Thanks for sharing. I will have to check it out.