Thursday, September 24, 2009

Times are a changing

Yesterday I said yes to the job. This morning, I fired off an email listing my late night ideas, saying, "I slept on it. Count me in. I'm truly on board." It's a new frontier for me, and Captain Kirk is shouting off to the left somewhere, "To boldly go where no woman has gone before." So here I go...

Now to unwind my life a bit from its commitments. Slowly at first, to see just how much needs to be dropped at life's roadside. Isn't it funny my book commitments are picking up now as well.


Tammy H. said...

Funny how life happens that way, isn't it? Everything at once or nothing at all. Enjoy the new job and the book commitments, you'll find time for all the important things in the long run.

my backyard said...

PTC, you're taking a job? What is it? When do you start?

Good luck!