Monday, September 28, 2009


I saw on CNN this morning a story about an honors student in Chicago that got caught between two gangs and beaten to death. I was drawn to this story because for the past month I have been reading the Freedom Writers Diary. In this book, the Freedom Writers wrote about their fears. They shared they lives full of drive by shootings, murder, domestic violence, drugs, homelessness, and rape. They put out there, each step as they ran home from school to escape the undeclared war that owns their neighborhoods. But their book also shows the way to make a difference. It teaches tolerance and points out the violence on our streets today is no different than the violence experienced by Anne Frank or Zlata Filipovic in Sarajevo. Our children can grow up strong. They can become their dream doctor, teacher, engineer, writer, citizen of the world for peace.

But out there on those Chicago streets one boy's dreams were cut short, and the hands of other boys.

I find it a bit funny, that the Freedom Writers Diary was banned from schools because its language is so graphic. Turning a blind eye won't make it all go away. I want my children to read this book. I want them to see how lucky they are, and to realize tolerance, compassion, sticking up for what you believe, and taking a stand are what are important in life.