Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I Love A Parade!

What is an Independence Day celebration without a parade?

A Wednesday. Plain -- no sprinkles, no chocolate sauce, no nuts.

I've lived in this town for 10 years, and this was the first time I heard that the nieghboring town of Sudbury has a parade. We found a great spot, set up camp and then waited for the fun to come to us. And did it ever. Flags, flags and flags, fire engines from near and fair, all trying to damage our hearing, waves of marching musicians -- each piece more wonderful than the last, a pitch fork brigade, bagpipes, politicians shaking hands, 100's of people tossing candy out to the baby bird children along the route, and one dentist trying to turn the tide on cavities.

Tomorrow, it's life as usual. Having the holiday midweek is like experiencing a cool breeze on a breathlessly hot and humid afternoon.

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