Sunday, September 09, 2007

Houston, we have a toad

About a week ago I saw this guy hanging out underneath a tomato plant. I was so excited. In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd see a toad in our backyard. I mean where did it come from? We don't live by water. What's the big draw to our backyard? Whatever it is, we've made the grade in this toad's eyes.

Today when I spied him relaxing among the weeds, I noticed he has a cut on his right hind leg. I got down on the ground and took a close look. The laceration is about an inch long, pretty significant for a toad, and goes completely through the skin, stopping before the muscle layer. I asked how it happened. The toad was not forthcoming, but he didn't bound away either. For about a minute he looked at me and I looked at him; the poor little guy.

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