Thursday, September 13, 2007


Even before she said her name, I knew who it was. The breathless way she said, "Hi, this is..." and my heart sank. I couldn't ignore the call; pretend I hadn't heard the message. She was asking if I had reserved the.... it's not important. But I knew from the message that my name was being mentioned. No, dragged through conversations. Not in the nice way a name can be dropped in with a smile, but with a bite, and an acid claw.

Why are people like that? What's to be gained?
I had 15 minutes before the bus. She'd know it. I took a breath. I dialed the phone.
"Hi, it's me," I said.
"Oh, hi, I was at the bank and I asked two people and they never heard from you."
"I never said I was going, and I emailed our fearless leader and told her I couldn't do it."
"Well at the bank they didn't even know what I was talking about."
"That's probably right. I saw the email where I got signed up for this, found the phone number, and before I could call, had to leave town. It was an emergency. It still is. So I emailed fearless, and removed myself from the task."
"Well, I talked with the vice president and he said no one had come in."
"Probably true, and since you know him, maybe you could go back and talk with him. I don't even bank there."
"OH..." She went on, "and the house... he knew... the mess... I've been cleaning... had to call in for help..." She knew her latest prey is my friend, and still she went on. I've seen her smile at him. She even smiles at me, but when backs are turned, there is that evil lashing tongue.
"Listen," I interupted. "the bus and all... I have to go." I had heard enough, again. I didn't want to hear anymore.
And a day later, I'm still left asking why?


Idiot Cook said...

It's amazing how others' negativity can so easily infuse our days...NOT fair!

Hang in there...

Idiot Cook said...

Love the picture...I adore that shade of blue.

P.H. said...

Negativity can make you very blue.