Monday, February 04, 2008


Generally I don't procrastinate. Generally, I take on a task, then get it done and out of the way. Opening up the sluice for another challenge. But normal has fallen by the wayside, and I've not take pen to paper for an article for two weeks. So today, that is first and foremost on my agenda, after cleaning the oven...

Like the Nike saying, "Just do it." I need to "Just type it." So without further ado, and after I get a cup of coffee... I'll be back.


Anonymous said...

Have you started writing? Finished? I procrastinate sometimes on articles, too.

Anonymous said...

So funny. I found this article on writers and procrastination right after I commented. I like this person's blog.

P.H. said...

Yes, the article is done. Sometimes procrastinating is a good thing. Usually I have way too much to say in a very small word count. By delaying the writing, I tend to sift off the not so important details and I'm left with a few good nuggets; like panning for gold.

Anonymous said...

good for you!